October 2019


Kwa takribani miongo mitatu sasa, tumeshuhudia ongezeko kubwa la mlipuko wa ugonjwa wa mkanda wa jeshi linaloendana na ongezeko la hususani ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Hali hii imefanya baadhi ya watu kuamini kuwa, ugonjwa huu ni dalili ya wazi kabisa ya mtu kuwa na VVU, imani ambayo kwa kiasi kikubwa ina ukweli ndani yake ingawa si kwa wote wanaopatwa nao.
Mkanda wa jeshi au shingles au herpes zoster kwa majina ya kitabibu ni ugonjwa unaosababishwa na virus wa aina ya Varicella-zoster ambao pia husababisha ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga au chickenpox. Ugonjwa huu huathiri ngozi ambapo huambatana na vipele na michubuko kama ya kuungua yenye kuambatana na maumivu makali.


Kama tulivyokwisha tangulia kueleza hapo juu, ugonjwa huu husababishwa na virus aina ya Varicella-zoster ambao pia husababisha ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga. Baada ya mtu kupatwa na tetekuwanga, virus hawa hubaki katika hali ya kupooza/kutokuwa na madhara (dormant) katika neva fulani za mwili. Baada ya miaka kadhaa, iwapo itatokea kinga ya mwili ikashuka kwa sababu yoyote ile, virus hawa hupata tena nguvu/kuwa na madhara (active), kuibuka na kusababisha ugonjwa wa mkanda wa jeshi.

Kwa kawaida shambulio la mkanda wa jeshi hutokea mara moja maishani ingawa laweza kujirudia.


Mkanda wa jeshi unaweza kumpata mtu wa umri wowote ule ingawa watu walio katika makundi haya wapo katika hatari kubwa zaidi:
• Wenye umri wa zaidi ya miaka 60
• Mtu aliyewahi kuugua ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga kabla ya umri wa mwaka mmoja
• Watu ambao kinga yao ya mwili imepungua kwa sababu mbalimbali kama vile matumizi ya aina fulan za dawa, magonjwa kama vile maambukizi ya VVU (HIV/AIDS), saratani na utapiamlo.

Je mkanda wa jeshi unaambukizwa?

Hapana ugonjwa huu hauambukizwi kutoka kwa mtu mmoja kwenda kwa mwingine! Lakini iwapo itatokea mtoto au mtu mzima ambaye hajawahi kupatwa na ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga maishani mwake na ambaye pia hajawahi kupata chanjo dhidi ya ugonjwa huo akakutana na mtu mwenye ugonjwa wa mkanda wa jeshi, mtoto au mtu huyo atapatwa na ugonjwa tetekuwanga na siyo mkanda wa jeshi.


Dalili ya awali kabisa ya mkanda wa jeshi ni maumivu makali sehemu fulani/ upande mmoja wa mwili yakiambatana na hali ya ganzi na hisia za kuungua kwenye ngozi. Maumivu pamoja na hisia za kuungua huwa makali sana na hutokea kabla ya vipele/michubuko kutokea kwenye ngozi. 
Kawaida, vipele au michubuko huusisha eneo fulani la mwili kuanzia kwenye uti wa mgongo kuzunguka kuelekea eneo la tumbo au kifua. Michubuko pia inaweza kutokea kwenye maeneo yanayozunguka uso, macho, mdomo au masikio.
Dalili nyingine ni pamoja na
• Maumivu ya tumbo 
• Homa 
• Maumivu ya mwili mzima 
• Vidonda sehemu za siri 
• Maumivu ya kichwa 
• Maumivu ya viungo 
• Kuvimba kwa mitoki/ matezi 
Iwapo neva za maeneo ya uso zitaathiriwa, mgonjwa anaweza kupatwa na matatizo ya kuona, kuonja, au kusikia.


Ni nadra sana kufanya Vipimo maalum kwa ajili ya utambuzi wa ugonjwa huu, isipokuwa kwa nchi zilizoendelea. Kwa ujumla utambuzi wa ugonjwa huu hufanyika kwa kuchukua historia ya mgonjwa na kuchunguza sehemu ya ngozi iliyoathiriwa. 
Vipimo vya damu yaani FBP huonesha ongezeko la chembe nyeupe za damu na antibodies dhidi ya virus wa tetekuwanga.


Matibabu ya mkanda wa jeshi hujumuisha matumizi ya dawa kama vile Acyclovir, Famciclovir na Valacyclovir kwa ajili ya kuua virus wanaosababisha ugonwja huu. Dawa hizi husaidia kupunguza maumivu, kuzuia madhara zaidi ya ugonjwa huu na kupunguza muda wa ugonjwa.
Dawa hizi hutolewa angalau saa 72 baada ya mgonjwa kuanza kuhisi maumivu na hali ya kuungua. Ni vema dawa zianze kutumika kabla ya vipele/michubuko kujitokeza.
Jamii ya dawa za corticosteroids kama vile prednisolone husaidia kupunguza maumivu na uvimbe kwa badhi ya wagonjwa. Dawa nyingine zinazofaa kutumika ni pamoja na jamii ya antihistamines kwa ajili ya kupunguza muwasho, dawa za maumivu, calamine lotion kwa ajili ya kupunguza muwasho. Aidha mgonjwa anashauriwa kupata mapumziko ya kutosha


Mkanda wa jeshi kwa kawaida huchukua kati ya wiki mbili hadi tatu kupona wenyewe. Aidha ni nadra sana kwa ugonjwa huu kujirudia tena. Iwapo neva zinazothibiti mwendo katika mwili zitakuwa zimeathirika, mgonjwa anaweza kupatwa na kupooza kwa muda au kwa kudumu kwa sehemu ya mwili iliyoathiriwa. Wakati mwingine, maumivu yanayosababishwa na mkanda wa jeshi yanaweza kudumu kwa miezi mpaka mwaka hata baada ya mgonjwa kupona kabisa. Maumivu haya yanayojulikana kama postherpetic neuralgia kwa kawaida huwakumba wagonjwa wenye umri wa zaidi ya miaka 60 na husababishwa na uharibifu katika neva za mwili.


Madhara ya mkanda wa jeshi ni pamoja na kupatwa na shambulio jingine la ugonjwa huu, maambukizi ya bakteria, upofu iwapo eneo la jicho litahusika, ukiziwi, maambukizi katika utando wa ubongo (encephalitis), uwepo wa vimelea kwenye damu (sepsis) au ugonjwa unaoitwa Ramsay Hunt Syndrome iwapo utahusisha neva za uso.


Epuka kabisa kugusa eneo lenye vipele au michubuko kwa mtu mwenye mkanda wa jeshi au tetekuwanga iwapo hujawahi kuugua au kupata chanjo ya tetekuwanga. 
Ni vema kupata chanjo dhidi ya virus wa Varicella zoster kama inapatikana katika nchi au eneo ulilopo. Tafiti zimeonesha kuwa, watu wazima wanaopata chanjo hii wana uwezekano mdogo sana wa kupata madhara ya mkanda wa jeshi kuliko wale wasiochanjwa

Ni ugonjwa unaowaathiri sana watoto mpaka kufananishwa kuwa ni moja ya hatua za ukuaji wa mtoto. Mgonjwa wa tetekuwanga hutokewa na vijipele vyenye majimaji mwili mzima. Vijipele hivi huwa vinawasha kitendo kinachomfanya mgonjwa wa tetekuwanga kutojisikia vizuri huku akishinda anajikuna mwili mzima. Tetekuwanga husababishwa na virusi kwa kitaalamu hujulikana kama Varicella Zoster (VZV).


Mara nyingi ugonjwa huu wa tetekuwanga huwa haujirudii, hii ndiyo sababu imezoeleka sana kwa wengi kusema kama haujawahi kuugua basi usikae karibu na mgonjwa wa tetekuwanga. Ikumbukwe kuwa, ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga unayo kinga ingawa hapa kwetu upatikanaji wake bado haujasambaa sehemu zote.

Dalili za ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga

Dalili kuu za ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga ni vijipele (kama malengelenge) vinavyowasha. Ugonjwa huu huchukua muda mpaka kuanza kujitokeza kwa dalili zake, mgonjwa wa tetekuwanga ataanza kuona dalili hizi baada ya siku 21 tangu virusi vya ugonjwa huu kuingia kwenye mwili wake (baada ya maambukizi). Ukiachana na vijipele vinavyowashwa, dalili nyingine za ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga ni kama;
  • Kuumwa kwa kichwa
  • Homa
  • Kupungukiwa kwa hamu ya kula
Hizi ni dalili za awali ambazo huanza kujitokeza kabla ya vipele kuanza kuchomoza, mara nyingi huchukua siku moja au mbili mara baada ya kuanza kusikia dalili hizi mpaka kuanza kujitokeza kwa vijipele. Vijipele vya tetekuwanga hupitia hatua kadhaa;
  • Vijipele vyekundu au pinki hujitokeza mwili mzima
  • Vijipele huiva na kuanza kutoa majimaji
  • Vijipele vinavywea na kuanza kukauka
Kumbuka, vijipele hivi havijitokezi kwa wakati mmmoja, hivyo wakati vingine vinapona, kuna vingine vitakuwa ndiyo vinatokeza.
Mgonjwa huendelea kujisikia vibaya mpaka vijipele vikauke, na hatua hii huweza kuchukua hadi wiki mbili mpaka kupotea kabisa.

Nini husababisha Tetekuwanga?

Kama tulivyoeleza hapo juu, tetekuwanga husababishwa na virusi ambavyo kwa kitaalamu hujulikana kama Varicella Zoster (VZV). Mara nyingi ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga huambukizwa kutokana na kugusana na mtu mwenye ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga. Virusi vya tetekuwanga huendelea kuwa na uwezo wa kuambukiza mpaka malengelenge (vijipele) viwe vimetumbuka na kukauka. Hivyo epuka makutano na mgonjwa wa tetekuwanga mpaka vipele vitakapokauka kabisa. Virusi hivi huweza kuambukizwa kwa njia zifuatazo;
  • Mate
  • Kukohoa
  • Kupiga chafya
  • Kugusa majimaji ya malengelenge ya tetekuwanga

Makundi yaliyo kwenye hatari ya kupata Tetekuwanga

Watu waliowahi kuumwa au kutumia kinga za tetekuwanga ni ngumu sana kupata maambukizi ya tetekuwanga. Pia, mtoto mchanga huweza kulindwa dhidi ya maambukizi ya tetekuwanga kutokana na kinga kutoka kwa mama yake ambayo huzaliwa nayo, lakini kinga hii huendelea kudumu kwa miezi mitatu tuu.
Mtu yoyote ambaye hajawahi kuumwa tetekuwanga, yupo kwenye hatari ya kuambukizwa ugonjwa huu, lakini makundi yafuatayo yapo kwenye hatari kubwa zaidi;
  • Wanaoishi na wagonjwa wa tetekuwanga
  • Walio chini ya umri wa miaka 12
  • Wanaoishi na watoto
  • Wanaohudumia watoto kwenye vituo vya kulelea watoto au shule za watoto
  • Wenye upungufu wa kinga uliosababishwa na magonjwa au kuugua.

Uchunguzi wa Tetekuwanga

Inashauriwa uende hospitali mara moja baada ya kuona vijipele visivyoeleweka, haswa kama vijipele hivyo vitaambatana na baridi yabisi au homa.
Daktari atavichunguza vijipele, pia uchunguzi wa kimaabara utahitajika ili kuhakikisha kama ni kweli vijipele hivyo ni vya ugonjwa wa tetekuwanga.

Dalili mbaya za tetekuwanga

Nenda hospitali haraka iwezekanavyo kama utatokewa na moja ya dalili zifuatazo;
  • Vijipele vimetapakaa hadi machoni
  • Vijipele vimekuwa vyekundu sana, vinauma na vya ujoto (hii inaweza kumaanisha kuna mashambulizi ya bakteria)
  • Unajisikia kizunguzungu
  • Unapata shida kwenye kupumua
Mara nyingi makundi ambayo yapo kwenye hatari ya kupata madhara makubwa mpaka yakapelekea kutokea kwa dalili mbaya za tetekuwanga ni;
  • Watu wazima
  • Wazee
  • Watu wenye upungufu wa kinga
  • Wamama wajawazito
Ukiachana na Tetekuwanga, makundi haya, pia yapo kwenye hatari kubwa ya kuambukizwa tetekuwanga ikaambatana na maambukizi ya VZV pneumonia au bakteria wanaoshamulia ngozi, maungio na mifupa.
Endapo mama mja mzito atashambuliwa na virusi vya tetekuwanga, basi kuna uwezekano wa kujifungua mtoto mwenye matatizo kama;
  • Kutokukua vizuri
  • Kichwa kidogo
  • Matatizo ya macho

Matibabu ya Tetekuwanga

 Mara nyingi watu walioambukizwa virusi vya tetekuwanga, hushauriwa kuanza kutumia dawa zitakazowasaidia kupunguza athari za tetekuwanga kama Homa, kuwaswha nk. Kwa watoto wenye afya bora, cha muhimu ni kudhibiti dalili, kwahiyo hutumia dawa za kupaka Calamine lotion ambayo hudhibiti vipele, na dawa ya kunywa antihistamines kama Cetrizine.
Kwa wagonjwa wenye upungufu wa kinga mwilini, hupewa dawa zifuatazo interferon alpha, acyclovir. Wazazi wanashauri wasiwapeleke watoto kwenye maeneo yenye mkusanyiko kama shule, sehemu za kuchezea nk ili kuepuka kuwaambukiza wengine. Kama ni mtu mzima, inashauriwa kutotoka nje mpaka utakapopona.
Daktari atakuandikia dawa zitakazokusaidia kukabiliana na dalili za ugonjwa huu na siyo kutibu ugonjwa, bali kupunguza makali yaletwayo na tetekuwanga. Kwa kupunguza makali kutakupelekea mfumo wa kinga kupona haraka. 

Jinsi ya kujikinga na Tetekuwanga

Mwaka 1995 mamlaka ya chakula na dawa ya Marekani ilipitisha matumizi ya Chanjo kwa ajili ya ugonjwa huu kwa watoto wenye afya bora na watu wazima wenye afya bora.
Matumizi ya kinga ya tetekuwanga yanaweza kusaidia kupunguza uwezekano wa kushambuliwa na virusi vinavyosababisha ugonjwa huu. Kinga hii hutolewa kwa watoto wadogo kuanzia miezi 12 hadi 15 na baada ya miaka 4 au 6 inashauriwa kurudia ili kuimarisha nguvu Zaidi.
Kwa watu wazima ambao hawajawahi kuumbwa tetekuwanga na wala kupata kinga, wanashauriwa kuepuka kukutana na watu wanaoumwa tetekuwanga.


Ugonjwa wa kichocho, ni ugonjwa unaosababishwa na vimelea vinavyojulikana kwa kitaalamu kama schistosoma. Ugonjwa huu huathiri zaidi ya watu milioni 207 duniani na kati ya hao asilimia 85% ni katika bara la Afrika. Baada ya ugonjwa wa malaria na maambukizi ya minyoo, kichocho ni wa tatu katika magonjwa makubwa ya kitropiki.
Kichocho ni ugonjwa ambao huathiri eneo fulani la jamii au eneo fulani la kijiografia kwa kitaalamu tunaita endemic, ambapo watu wanaathirika kutokana na shughuli zao za kila siku mfano wakulima, wavuvi, na vilevile kutokana na starehe kama kuogelea kwenye bwawa lisilo salama au ziwani.

Maambukizi ya ugonjwa huu wa kichocho hutokea pale mabuu (larvae) ya vimelea vya shistosoma yalioachiwa kutoka kwa konokono wa majini yanapopenya ngozi ya mtu aliye kwenye maji yalioathiriwa.
Ndani ya mwili wa binadamu haya mabuu (larvae) huendelea kukomaa na kuwa vimelea kamili, vimelea hivi hupenda kuishi kwenye mishipa ya damu, vimelea jike hutaga mayai, ambapo baadhi ya mayai hutolewa kwa kukojoa au kwa njia ya haja kubwa. Na mzunguko huendelea.
Kuna aina ngapi za kichocho?
Kuna aina mbili za kichocho ambazo ni:
  • Kichocho cha utumbo ama intestinal schistosomiasis na
  • Kichocho cha mfumo wa mkojo ama urinary schistosomiaisis
Kila aina ya kichocho kinaletwa na aina tofauti za vimelea hawa wa schistosoma kama ifuatavyo:
  • Kichocho cha Utumbo (Intestinal schistosomiasis) husababishwa na vimelea vya Schistosoma mansoni  na Schistosoma intercalatum
  • Kichocho cha Utumbo aina ya Asia (asian intestinal schistosomiasis) husababishwa na vimelea aina ya Schistosoma japonicum na Schistosoma mekongi
  • Kichocho cha mkojo (Urinary schistosomiasis) husababishwa na vimelea jamii ya Schistosoma hematobium
Dalili za kichocho
  • Maumivu ya tumbo
  • Kuhara damu hasa kwa kichocho cha utumbo
  • Kukojoa damu (terminal hematuria) hasa kwa kichocho cha mkojo
  • Kikohozi
  • Homa
  • Uchovu
  • Ngozi kuwasha (cercarial dermatitis) kwa jina lingine swimmers itch
Vipimo na Uchunguzi
  • Kuangalia uwepo wa mayai ya vimelea kwenye mkojo na kinyesi kwa kutumia Hadubini.
  • X-ray ya tumbo
  • Ultrasound ya tumbo
  • Kipimo cha damu (complete blood count)
  • Cystoscopy kwa kichocho cha mkojo
  • Sigmoidoscopy/proctoscopy kwa kichocho cha utumbo
  • Kichocho hutibiwa kwa kutumia dozi ya mara moja ya dawa iitwayo Praziquantel
Madhara ya Kichocho
  • Kansa ya kibofu cha mkojo (cancer of urinary bladder)
  • Figo kushindwa kufanya kazi
  • Cor pulmonale
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding - Kuvuja damu ndani ya mwili hasa katika mfumo mzima wa chakula
  • Portal hypertension
  • Seizures - Kifafa au degedege
  • Reflex nephropathy
Jinsi ya kuzuia kichocho
  • Kuondoa na kuangamiza konokono waliopo kwenye maji au ambao hupenda kuishi kwenye maji ambao ni muhimu katika mzunguko wa kuuwaji wa vimelea vinavyoleta kichocho kwa kutumia Acrolein, copper sulfate na niclosamide.
  • Kwa sasa kuna utafiti unaendelea kwa ajili ya kutafuta chanjo ya ugonjwa huu wa kichocho.

Suggested First Foods after 6Months age

First foods can be prepared easily and cheaply at home without salt, seasonings and sweeteners. The foods should at first be mashed and smooth, but you can quickly move on to coarsely mashed foods and coarser textures. General suggestions include:
Start with a single food rather than a mixture.
Offer infant cereal first as it is fortified with iron and makes an ideal first food. Mix with expressed breast milk or formula to a smooth texture.
Otherwise, there is no particular order for foods:
Give vegetables and fruits, introduce meats, or chicken, and ‘finger foods’ such as toast..
Always sit with your baby while they are eating.
Encourage drinking water from a cup.

Malaria ni ugonjwa unaoathiri watu wengi sana duniani. Malaria husababisha vifo vya watu milioni 2.7 duniani kote, ambapo vifo vingi hutokea barani Afrika. Ugonjwa wa malaria huonekana katika nchi 100 duniani kote.

Kwa Tanzania, mikoa ambayo inaongoza kwa maambukizi ya malaria ni Kagera (41.1%), Lindi (35.5%), Mtwara (36.6%), Mwanza (31.4%), Mara (30.3%). Mikoa ambayo  maambukizi ya malaria ni kidogo  ni Manyara (1%), Kilimanjaro (1%) na Dar-es-salaam (1.2%). Kwa Zanzibar, maambukizi ya malaria ni kwa asilimia 0.8.
Malaria huonekana sana katika kanda ya Tropiki.Ugonjwa huu wa malaria uligunduliwa mwaka 1880 na Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, katika hospitali ya jeshi ya Constatine, Algeria, baada ya kuona vimelea vya plasmodium, kutoka kwa mgonjwa aliyefariki kwa ugonjwa huo.
Malaria ni kati ya magonjwa ya maambukizi ambao husababishwa na vimelea vya Plasmodium, ambavyo humfikia binadamu kupitia kung’atwa na mmbu aina ya Anopheles jike.
  1. Plasmodium falciparum - Hupatikana sana katika nchi zilizopo katika jangwa la sahara. Asilimia 75 ya wagonjwa wote wa malaria barani Afrika husababishwa na vimelea hivi. Mwaka 2006, kati ya watu milioni 247 duniani waliougua malaria, asilimia 91 walisababishwa na vimelea hivi (Afrika 98%) na kusababisha vifo kwa asilimia 90 mwaka huo huo barani Afrika.
  2. Plasmodium malariae - Pia hupatikana katika nchi zilizopo katika jangwa la sahara, Asia ya Mashariki, Indonesia na katika visiwa vya magharibi mwa Pacific. Kati vya vimelea vyote vya malaria, plasmodium malariae ndio huonekana kwa uchache zaidi.
  3. Plasmodium ovale - Hupatikana Afrika Magharibi, Ufilipino, Mashariki mwa Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Thailand na Vietnam.
  4. Plasmodium vivax - Huonekana katika bara la Marekani, Latin Amerika na baadhi ya sehemu za bara la Afrika.
  5. Plasmodium knowlesi - Hupatikana katika bara la Asia ya mashariki katika nchi za Bormeo, Myanmar, Malaysia, Ufilipino, Singapore na Thailand. Haipatikani katika bara la Afrika.
Mwenyeji wa msingi ya vimelea vya malaria ni mbu aina ya anopheles wa kike, ambae pia ni msambazaji, na binadamu ni mwenyeji wa kati. Mbu anapokuwa anajipatia chakula kwa kunywa damu kwa kuuma binadamu mwenye maambukizi ya vimelea vya malaria, ndio mzunguko wa kwanza huanza, ambapo gametocyte za vimelea vya plasmodium hugawanyika ndani ya mbu na  kutengeneza gametocyte za kike na za kiume na baada ya hapo gametocyte hizo za kike na za kiume, hujiunga ndani ya mfumo wa chakula wa mbu na kutengeneza Ookinete ambayo hupenyeza kwenye kuta za mfumo wa chakula na kutengeneza Oocyst nje ya ukuta wa mfumo wa chakula, na hapo hupasuka na kutengeneza Sporozoites na kuhamia kwenye tezi za mate za mbu, na kuwa tayari kuambukiza binadamu mwengine pindi mbu anapojitafutia chakula.
Kwa mbu jike damu ndio lishe yake wakati dume lishe yake ni nekta ya mimea, hivyo mbu dume hasambazi ugonjwa huu. Na mbu jike aina ya anopheles hupenda kujipatia lishe kipindi cha usiku.
Maambukizi ya malaria yanaweza kupatikana kwa kuongezewa damu ingawa ni nadra sana.
Kwa Binadamu pindi anapong’atwa na mbu hupata maambukizi kupitia mate ya mbu, na vimelea vya plasmodium kwenye hatua ya sporozoites huingia kwenye damu na kuelekea kwenye ini ambapo hutengeneza schizonts na baadae schizonts hupasuka na kuachia merozoites kuelekea kwenye damu na kutengeneza immature trophozoite  kiataalamu zinajulikana kam ring stage ambapo baada ya hapa huwa kuna hatua mbili tofauti zinazofuata,hatua ya kwanza ni mature trophozoites na kutengeneza schizont nyingine kwenye damu na vilevile schizont hii hupasuka na kutoa immature trophozoites na kuendelea kujirudia tena hatua hii. Hatua nyingine ni gametocyte ambayo hubebwa na mbu.

Dalili za ugonjwa wa malaria
  • Homa
  • Maumivu ya kichwa
  • Kichefuchefu
  • Kutapika
  • Maumivu ya misuli
  • Manjano
  • Degedege
  • Kupoteza fahamu
  • Kukua kwa wengu
  • Dalili za mwanzo hutokea kati ya siku 10 hadi wiki 4, na dalili nyingi hutokea pale hatua ya merozoites inapoachiwa nyingi kwenye damu baada ya schizonts kupasuka.
Malaria ya kichwa (cerebral malaria)
  • Matatizo ya kupumua (pulmonary edema)
  • Viungo kushindwa kufanya kazi (organ failure)
  • Upungufu wa damu
  • Upungufu wa sukari mwilini (hypoglycemia)
  • Shinikizo la chini la damu (hypotension)
  • Haemoglobinuria
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
  • Metabolic acidosis
  • Kipimo cha damu na kutumia hadubini
    • Thin film--hutumika kutambua aina ya vimelea vya plasmodium (falciparum,ovale,vivax,malariae)
    • Thick film---hutumika kutambua idadi ya vimelea/µL
  • Kipimo cha damu bila kutumia hadubini
    • Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test
  • PCR
  • Dawa za malaria
    • Mstari wa kwanza (dawa mseto)
      • Artemether plus Lumefantrine
      • Dihydroartemisinin plus Piperaquine
    • Mstari wa Pili
      • Amodiaquine
    • Mstari wa tatu
      • Quinine
  • Dawa za kushusha homa na maumivu
  • Paracetamol
Kama sehemu ya tiba, mgonjwa anashauriwa pia kula na kunywa maji ya kutosha.
  • Kuzuia mazalio ya mbu
    • Fyeka vichaka na ondoa madimbwi ya maji katika  maeneo yanayokuzunguka.
  • Kuzuia kung’atwa na mbu
    • Matumizi ya vyandarua vyenye dawa ya kuua mbu
    • Matumizi ya dawa za kupulizia za kuua mbu majumbani
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    • Sulfadoxine Pyrimethamine (SP) hutolewa kwa kina mama katika wiki ya 20 nawiki ya 36 ya ujauzito..............................................................................................

5 Symptoms are Signs of Infection of Children in the Lung, Learn Reason and Treatment

The effects of infection and pollution also occur on the lungs. Many people around the world are suffering from different types of lung diseases. Asthma and CPPD are the major in these diseases. India also has plenty of patients suffering from lung disease. Having children suffer from this disease at a young age is a matter of concern. The incidence of chronic lung disease has increased rapidly in infants. In this article, we are telling you in detail about the chronic lung diseases in infants.

5 Symptoms are Signs of Infection of Children in the Lung, Learn Reason and Treatment

The World Health Organization is also very concerned about the disease. According to the WHO report, due to the polluted environment in India, a large number of people are suffering from lung related and COPD (respiratory disease related disease).

There is a possibility of continuous increase in its patients in the future. Experts believe that if strict measures are not taken to prevent this disease then it will become a dangerous disease in the coming years. In India too, this problem is increasing rapidly. One out of every 20 children who are born every day is suffering from this disease.

Chronic Lung Disease in Infants

Difficulty breathing due to damaged tissues in neonatal lungs and other related health problems are called chronic lung diseases. In such cases, the lungs stop the air and become damaged. In such cases, the fluid is filled in and a large amount of mucus begins to form.
5 Symptoms are Signs of Infection of Children in the Lung, Learn Reason and Treatment
In many children, lung problems start from the beginning. However, most children with chronic lung disease survive. But its symptoms can come back and children may need treatment. Chronic lung diseases are also known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or BPD.

Chronic lung disease is the cause of the problem in the baby's lungs. This problem is common in children born prematurely. Children born in the 26th week of pregnancy and whose weight is less than 1 kg (2.2 pounds). Lungs of premature birth are not fully developed. Such children may have chronic lung problems as follows.

Lung Injury using the Ventilator

Many premature children (prematurely-born) need this treatment, especially when they have respiratory distress syndrome (respiratory distress syndrome). But the ventilator used to breathe and make high oxygen levels can harm the lungs of the child.

Fluid in the Lung

Premature children may have this problem with birth or later. Occasionally the fluid is filled in the lungs of children born with the help of surgical operation throughout the period.


Children born prematurely increase the risk of infection in the lungs. Often this happens due to the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Symptoms of Chronic Lung Disease

Children with chronic lung disease can only see symptoms after three days of birth. Its first symptom is having trouble breathing. Apart from this, the symptoms of chronic lung disease in infants may also be of the following types.

  • Breathing or breathing rapidly.
  • Nose red
  • Use neck, chest, and abdominal muscles to breathe. It seems as if the child is breathing in or between the ribs.
  • To breathe heavily, or to make a strangely sharp sound in breathing.
  • Tired of eating early during meal
  • Stains or acne skin, especially on lips, tongue and nails etc.

Children should not delay any symptoms of long-term lung disease and should meet the doctor immediately. Any kind of delay in this disease can be fatal for the child

Asthma is a disease of the lungs. The airways of people who have asthma are extra sensitive to the things they"re allergic to (called allergens) and to other irritating things in the air (called irritants).
Asthma symptoms start when allergens or other irritants cause the lining of the airways to become inflamed (swollen) and narrow. The muscles around the airways can then spasm (contract rapidly), causing the airways to narrow even more. When the lining of the airways is inflamed, it produces more mucus. The mucus clogs the airways and further blocks the flow of air. This is called an "asthma attack."


What is an asthma attack?

An asthma attack occurs when excess mucus causes your air tubes to swell and tighten. Asthma attacks can be mild, moderate or severe. Symptoms of an asthma attack include the following:

  • Coughing
  • Feeling breathless
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Wheezing (breathing that makes a hoarse, squeaky, musical or whistling sound)
  • Cough with mucus
  • Wheezing or whistling sound when breathing
  • Difficulty breathing and talking
  • Trouble sleeping

Signs of an emergency

Call your doctor or seek emergency care right away if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Your rescue medicine doesn"t relieve your symptoms.
  • Your peak flow keeps dropping after treatment or falls below 50% of your best.
  • Your fingernails or lips turn gray or blue.
  • You have trouble walking or talking.
  • You have extreme difficulty breathing.
  • Your neck, chest or ribs are pulled in with each breath.
  • Your nostrils flare when you breathe.
  • Your heartbeat or pulse is very fast

How can I tell if an asthma attack is serious?

You should use (or have your child use) a peak flow meter every day. A peak flow meter measures how much air flows out of your lungs. People who have asthma have lower air flow in and out of their lungs than other people. Measuring peak flow levels can help you see problems with your air flow before you have any symptoms of asthma.
A meter can also help tell you and your doctor how serious your asthma attacks are. You"ll be able to see when you should take medicine or when you need emergency care. Peak flow readings may also help you find the triggers that make your asthma symptoms worse.

How can I tell if my asthma is getting worse?

Signs that your asthma is getting worse include having symptoms at night, a drop in your peak flow and the need to use your rescue medicine more often. Talk to your doctor if you think that your asthma is getting worse.

Causes & Risk Factors

What causes asthma symptoms?

Your asthma can flare up for many different reasons. Allergies can make your asthma symptoms get worse. Viral infections (such as a cold), tobacco, pollutants (such as wood smoke), cold air, exercise, fumes from chemicals or perfume, sinus infections and heartburn can all cause a flare-up. For some people, strong emotions or stress can trigger an asthma attack. Pay attention to the way these things affect your asthma. If you and your doctor figure out which things bother your asthma, you can start trying to address them.

Diagnosis & Tests

What is a peak flow meter?

A peak flow meter is a hand-held device that measures your peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), or how fast you can blow air out of your lungs. Measuring your peak flow regularly can help you tell whether your asthma is getting worse.
To use a peak flow meter, you will first need to find out your "personal best" peak flow. Take a deep breath and blow as hard as you can into the mouthpiece. Your personal best is the highest reading you get on the meter over a 2-week period when your asthma is under good control.

How do I use a peak flow meter?

To use a peak flow meter, follow these steps:
  1. Move the indicator to the bottom of the numbered scale.
  2. Stand up.
  3. Take a deep breath.
  4. Close your lips (or have your child close his or her lips) around the mouthpiece of the flow meter. Your tongue should not go inside the tube.
  5. Blow out as hard and fast as possible.
The indicator on the meter will move up. Write down the number where it stops. Repeat steps 1 through 5 two more times. Write down the highest of the three numbers on the peak flow meter record chart.

What is the peak flow zone system?

Once you know your (or your child"s) personal best peak flow score, your doctor can tell you how to do the next step. Peak flow scores are put in "zones" like the colors in traffic lights.
  • Green Zone: This is a score that is 80% to 100% of the personal best score. It signals that your/your child’s asthma is under control. No symptoms are present, but you/your child should take preventive asthma medicines as usual.
  • Yellow Zone: This is a score that is 50% to 80% of the personal best score. It signals that your/your child"s asthma is getting worse. You may be coughing or wheezing frequently. You may need extra asthma medicine. Follow your doctor"s written instructions or call your doctor for advice.
  • Red Zone: This is a score that is below 50% of the personal best score. It signals a medical emergency. You/your child may have severe coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath, and your lips and fingernails may be turning a grayish or bluish color. Use an inhaler or other medicine to open your airways right away. Call your doctor immediately for more advice.


How do I control my asthma symptoms?

Treatment of your symptoms involves avoiding things that cause asthma attacks, keeping track of your symptoms and taking medicine.

What medicines are used to treat asthma?

Asthma medicines can generally be divided into two groups: medicines to prevent attacks (controller medicines) and medicines to treat attacks (sometimes called rescue medicines). Your doctor will talk to you about these medicines and what to do if you have an asthma attack. Ask your doctor for written instructions about how to take your medicines. Your doctor may have a form to give you, or you can print out this one.

Controller and Quick-Relief Medicines

The following are some of the prescription medicines most commonly used by people who have asthma:

Controller Medicines

  • Inhaled corticosteroids
  • Cromolyn
  • Nedocromil
  • Anti-leukotrienes
  • Theophylline
  • Salmeterol (inhaled long-acting beta2 agonist)

Quick-Relief Medicines

  • Albuterol, pirbuterol, levalbuterol or bitolterol (inhaled short-acting beta2 agonist)
  • Ipratropium (anticholinergic)
  • Prednisone, prednisolone (oral steroids)

How do controller medicines work?

Controller medicines help reduce the swelling in your airways to prevent asthma attacks. Controller medicines must be taken on a regular basis--whether or not you"re having symptoms. They take hours or days to start to help and don"t work well unless you take them regularly.

How do rescue medicines work?

Rescue medicines (also called quick-acting or quick-relief medicines) provide quick relief during an asthma attack by helping the muscles around your airways relax, which allows your airways to open. If you feel like you’re having an asthma attack, follow your doctor’s instructions for taking this medicine right away.

Primatene Mist Inhaler was discontinued

Primatene Mist Inhaler, an over-the-counter asthma inhaler, is longer available after December 31, 2011. If you currently use Primatene Mist Inhaler, it"s safe to continue using it as long as it hasn"t expired. Talk to your doctor about switching to a different medicine to treat your asthma. For more information, visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website.

Warning signs of an asthma attack

  • Peak flow 50% to 80% of your personal best
  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightness in chest
If your symptoms don’t respond to medicine or if your peak flow drops below 50% of your personal best, call your doctor or go directly to the nearest emergency room (by ambulance, if necessary).


Is there anything I can do to help avoid asthma attacks?

You can help avoid asthma attacks by avoiding the triggers (also called allergens) and irritants that can start an asthma attack. Triggers and irritants vary for each individual, but the following are some examples of common triggers and irritants:
  • Air pollution
  • Dust
  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Pet dander
  • Exercise
  • Changes in temperature
  • Certain foods
  • Sulfite (food preservative in red wine, beer, salad bars, dehydrated soups, and other foods)
  • Aspirin, or ibuprofen (brand names: Advil, Motrin, Nuprin)
  • Heartburn
  • Sinus infections
  • Strong emotions (such as crying or laughing)
  • Perfume
  • Spray-on deodorants
  • Viruses

How do I avoid common asthma triggers?

If pollen and mold cause your symptoms, use your air conditioner and try to keep the windows of your home and car closed. Change the filter on your heating and cooling system frequently.
To keep mold down, clean and air out bathrooms, kitchens and basements often. Use an air conditioner or dehumidifier to keep the level of humidity less than 50%.
People who are allergic to dust are actually allergic to the droppings of dust mites. To reduce dust mites in your home, wash bed sheets weekly in hot water (above 130°F). Cover mattresses and pillows in airtight covers, and remove carpets and drapes. If you must have carpet, you can treat it with chemicals to help reduce dust mites. Try to avoid stuffed animals, dried flowers and other things that trap dust.
Pets can cause problems if you are allergic to them. If you have a pet, keep it out of your bedroom.
Don"t allow smoking in your house or car. Tobacco smoke can make asthma worse



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