Benefits of Weight Loss for Men I Dr. Kimario

Benefits of Weight Loss for Men I Dr. Kimario

What is the Benefits of Weight Loss for Men? 

What are the Benefits of Weight Loss for Men?

When you hear men overweight, the image of 'bear bell' comes to your mind. Yes, men have problems with stomach obesity and there may be many reasons behind this. Increasing weight in men can be due to lack of exercise, stress, hormonal problems, and defective diet. With life at high speed, men first die for stress and pressure, which does not leave them to work. Obesity in the stomach is the most dangerous form of obesity because it invites a collection of diseases that can be silent killers. Heart diseases, diabetes and liver or kidney diseases can be common killers, especially if a person smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol.

Men usually give in to vain such as smoking and drinking because it 'feels' to reduce stress and cope with daily pressures of life. Most men pay no attention to their health and fitness unless a sign of health problem emerges. Men are also more active, who are the last to seek medical help in contrast to women. Men can eat heavier issues by regularly following regular men's exercise, regular diet and healthy lifestyle.

It is important for men to lose weight for healthy and disease-free living. Being overweight is not only indispensable but also an open invitation for various life-threatening diseases. The following problems can hinder the quality of someone's quality or even reduce the life of someone.

  • High blood pressure or high blood pressure and cholesterol problems: Men with overweight are often considered to suffer from high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. If these problems are not controlled and treated at the beginning, serious heart diseases lead to it.
  • Heart Diseases: Men with overweight are more likely to have heartbeat and heart attack which makes it the first cause of death. An unhealthy lifestyle associated with stress makes a person suffer from sudden and early heart attack
  • Cancer, especially prostate and colon cancer in men
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Problems of the liver such as extension of limb or fatty liver
  • Heartburn or Acid Reflux Disease
  • Arthritis: Men with high weight typically have muscles and joint problems in the knees, because it has maximum inclination to be overweight. Osteoarthritis can lead to joint hazardous men
  • Sleep apnea that gives rise to snoring and can be dangerous because it can cut the supply of oxygen during sleep.
  • Throat bladder disease or gallstones
  • Concentration and learning problems in men
  • Psychological problems like negative self-image or extreme self-consciousness

If you are overweight then the chances of developing many health conditions greatly increase. But if you are planning to lose weight, then losing some kilos will greatly benefit you, then keep them in your mind to inspire these benefits. Start slow and short but you will benefit a lot.

Healthy Heart 

Having more weight can put your heart under great pressure because it has to be hard work and it has to pump more blood so that it suffers from various problems. When you lose weight not only do you make your heart a side but also help to reduce high blood pressure, which is a starting point in various cardiovascular diseases.

Increasing levels of Good Cholesterol

Closing some extra kilograms and maintaining regular diet will help promote good cholesterol or HDL. Promoting good cholesterol means to eliminate bad one-LDL, which means that you reduce the chances of heart-related problems.

Reducing the risk of Diabetes

Losing a little weight will help control the blood glucose levels in your body and reduce any risk of developing diabetes.

Reduce the risk of Cancer

Losing weight will also help you reduce the risk of developing cancer. Men overweight have prostate cancer, while overweight women suffer from ovarian and cervical cancer.

Reduce the risk of Osteoporosis

Think about the pressure placed on the bones and overweight body joints. When you reduce some weight, you help ease the pressure and you are less likely to get along with osteoarthritis.

A Quality Life

By reducing excess weight, you will be able to survive for long and get better quality of life. Excess fat is an invitation for various diseases and instability factors during old age. Elderly and overweight people have problems in mobility.

Better Sexual Life

Losing weight will help to spice up your sex life. Losing few kilograms will lead to normal recurrence and maintenance of it in men, while women are more likely to be interested in sex because of better body image.

Better Reproductive Health

Men and women overweight have to face fertility issues. Weight loss is the answer to all these problems, in the family way, women need to keep the ideal weight for a safe and complexity-free pregnancy.

Modify your Energy Level

Losing weight will help you to control more in feeling active. People who are overweight due to excess weight look more dull, who can move around tiresome.

Promoting your own image

People who are overweight suffer from low self-worth and self-consciousness. Losing few kilograms will help in promoting self-image and working as a motivational point for reaching the ideal weight

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