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Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is a rare heart condition in which there is an extra electrical pathway present in the heart. This can cause a change in the rhythm of your heartbeat, called an arrhythmia. People who have WPW syndrome may experience a very fast heartbeat (called tachycardia) for periods of time.


What are the symptoms of WPW syndrome?

Symptoms of WPW syndrome can include:

  • Palpitations or rapid thumping in your chest
  • Feeling tired or light-headed
  • Loss of consciousness (passing out)
  • Shortness of breath

People who have WPW syndrome are born with the extra electrical pathway, but most don’t notice symptoms until they are in their teens or early twenties. Some people who have WPW syndrome never experience any symptoms.

Causes & Risk Factors

What causes WPW syndrome?

The heart has 4 compartments, or chambers. The upper chambers are called the atria, and the lower chambers are called the ventricles. The walls of the heart squeeze together (contract) to push blood through the chambers. The contractions are controlled by an electrical signal that begins in the heart"s natural "pacemaker" (called the sinoatrial node).

In individuals who have WPW syndrome, an extra electrical pathway can cause the electrical signal to arrive at the ventricles too soon. This can lead to periods of very fast heart rate, which is called tachycardia.

Diagnosis & Tests

How do I know if I have WPW syndrome?

If you sometimes have an irregular or very fast heart beat, your doctor will ask if you have any of the symptoms of WPW syndrome. Your doctor may also do some tests. One of these tests is an electrocardiogram, also called ECG or EKG. During this test, your doctor will have you lie down so your heart can be monitored.

Your doctor may also ask you to walk on a treadmill while he or she monitors your heart, or may want to monitor your heart while you do your daily activities. One way to do this is to wear a machine, called a Holter monitor, that continuously records your heart"s rhythms for 24 hours. If your doctor wants to monitor your heart for more than 24 hours, he or she might recommend an event-recorder, a machine that records samples of your heart"s rhythms and can be worn for a couple of days or longer. Other tests, called electrophysiologic studies, may also give your doctor information about your heart.


How is it treated?

There are several treatment options available for WPW syndrome. You doctor may talk to you about vagal maneuvers. These are actions you can do to help slow your heart rate. These actions can include coughing or pushing down like you are having a bowel movement. If vagal maneuvers don’t help slow your heart rate, your doctor may prescribe an anti-arrhythmic medicine. For some people, surgery may also be an option

You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things thatdon"t cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. Yourbody"s overreaction to the allergens is what causes symptoms.

Whatis hay fever?

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis (say:“rine-EYE-tis”), is an allergic reaction to pollen. Symptoms of hay fever areseasonal, meaning you will feel worse when the pollens that affect you are attheir highest levels. Hay fever is the most common form of allergy. It affects1 in 5 people.


What are common allergy symptoms?

Symptoms vary depending on the severity of your allergies. Symptoms can include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Itching (mostly eyes, nose, mouth, throat and skin)
  • Runny nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • Headache
  • Pressure in the nose and cheeks
  • Ear fullness and popping
  • Sore throat
  • Watery, red or swollen eyes
  • Dark circles under your eyes
  • Trouble smelling
  • Hives

How does hay fever differ from a cold or the flu?

Hay fever lasts longer than a cold or the flu—up to several weeks—and does not cause fever. The nasal discharge from hay fever is thin, watery and clear, while nasal discharge from a cold or the flu tends to be thicker. Itching (mostly eyes, nose, mouth, throat and skin) is common with hay fever but not with a cold or the flu. Sneezing is more prominent with hay fever and can occur in rather violent bouts.

When should I see a doctor?

If your symptoms interfere with your life, consider seeing your family doctor. Your doctor will probably do a physical exam and ask you questions about your symptoms. Keeping a record of your symptoms over a period of time can help your doctor determine what triggers your allergies.

Causes & Risk Factors

What causes allergies?

You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that don"t cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. If you have allergies, when you are exposed to an allergen, your body releases chemicals. One type of chemical that your body releases is called histamine. Histamine is your body’s defense against the allergen. The release of histamine causes your symptoms.

What are the most common allergens?

Pollen from trees, grass and weeds. Allergies that occur in the spring (late April and May) are often due to tree pollen. Allergies that occur in the summer (late May to mid-July) are often due to grass and weed pollen. Allergies that occur in the fall (late August to the first frost) are often due to ragweed. If you are allergic to pollen, you will notice your symptoms are worse on hot, dry days when wind carries the pollen. On rainy days, pollen often is washed to the ground, which means you are less likely to breathe it.

Mold. Mold is common where water tends to collect, such as shower curtains, window moldings and damp basements. It can also be found in rotting logs, hay, mulches, commercial peat moss, compost piles and leaf litter. This allergy is usually worse during humid and rainy weather.

Animal dander. Proteins found in the skin, saliva, and urine of furry pets such as cats and dogs are allergens. You can be exposed to dander when handling an animal or from house dust that contains dander.

Dust. Many allergens, including dust mites, are in dust. Dust mites are tiny living creatures found in bedding, mattresses, carpeting and upholstered furniture. They live on dead skin cells and other things found in house dust.

Diagnosis & Tests

How do I know what I’m allergic to?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and will ask you about your symptoms and when they occur. Your doctor may also want to do an allergy skin test to help determine exactly what is causing your allergy. An allergy skin test puts tiny amounts of allergens onto your skin to see which ones you react to. Once you know which allergens you are allergic to, you and your doctor can decide the best treatment. Your doctor may also decide to do a blood test, such as the radioallergosorbent test (called RAST).


How are allergies treated?

Several medicines can be used to treat allergies. Your doctor will help you determine what medicine is best for you depending on your symptoms, age and overall health. These medicines are more useful if you use them before you"re exposed to allergens.

Antihistamines help reduce the sneezing, runny nose and itchiness of allergies. They"re more useful if you use them before you"re exposed to allergens. Some antihistamines come in pill form (some brand names: Zyrtec, Claritin) and some are nasal sprays (brand names: Astelin and Patanase). Some antihistamines can cause drowsiness and dry mouth. Others are less likely to cause these side effects, but some of these require a prescription. Ask your doctor which kind is best for you.

Decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, help temporarily relieve the stuffy nose of allergies. Decongestants are found in many medicines and come as pills, nose sprays and nose drops (some brand names: Sudafed, Afrin, Sinex). They are best used only for a short time.

Nose sprays and drops shouldn"t be used for more than 3 days because you can become dependent on them. This causes you to feel even more stopped-up when you try to quit using them.

You can buy decongestants without a doctor"s prescription. However, decongestants can raise your blood pressure, so it"s a good idea to talk to your family doctor before using them, especially if you have high blood pressure.

Cromolyn sodium is a nasal spray (one brand name: NasalCrom) that helps prevent the body"s reaction to allergens. Cromolyn sodium is more helpful if you use it before you"re exposed to allergens. This medicine may take 2 to 4 weeks to start working. It is available without a prescription.

Nasal steroid sprays reduce the reaction of the nasal tissues to inhaled allergens. This helps relieve the swelling in your nose so that you feel less stopped-up. They are the most effective at treating patients who have chronic symptoms. Nasal steroid sprays are available with a prescription from your doctor. You won"t notice their benefits for up to 2 weeks after starting them.

Eye drops. If your other medicines are not helping enough with your itchy, watery eyes, your doctor may prescribe eye drops for you.

Allergy shots or sublingual tablets (also called immunotherapy) are an option for people who try other treatments but still have allergy symptoms. These shots or dissolvable tablets contain a very small amount of the allergen you are allergic to. They"re given on a regular schedule so that your body gets used to the allergens and no longer overreacts to them. This helps decrease your body’s sensitivity to the allergen. Over time, your allergy symptoms will become less severe.

Allergy shots or sublingual tablets are only used when the allergens you"re sensitive to can be identified and when you can"t avoid them. It takes a few months to years to finish treatment, and you may need to have treatments throughout your life.


Howcan I avoid allergens?

Pollens.Shower or bathe before bedtime to wash off pollen and other allergens in yourhair and on your skin. Avoid going outside, especially on dry, windy days. Keepwindows and doors shut, and use an air conditioner at home and in your car.

Mold.You can reduce the amount of mold in your home by removing houseplants and byfrequently cleaning shower curtains, bathroom windows, damp walls, areas withdry rot and indoor trash cans. Use a mix of water and chlorine bleach to killmold. Open doors and windows and use fans to increase air movement and helpprevent mold.

Don"t carpet bathrooms or other damp rooms and use mold-proofpaint instead of wallpaper. Reducing the humidity in your home to 50% or lesscan also help. You can control your home air quality by using a dehumidifier,keeping the temperature set at 70 degrees, and cleaning or replacingsmall-particle filters in your central air system.

Petdander. If your allergies are severe, you may need to give yourpets away or at least keep them outside. Cat or dog dander often collects inhouse dust and takes 4 weeks or more to die down.

However, there are ways to reduce the amounts of pet danderin your home. Using allergen-resistant bedding, bathing your pet frequently,and using an air filter can help reduce pet dander. Ask your veterinarian forother ways to reduce pet dander in your home.

Dustand dust mites. To reduce dust mites in your home,remove drapes, feather pillows, upholstered furniture, non-washable comfortersand soft toys. Replace carpets with linoleum or wood. Polished floors are best.Mop the floor often with a damp mop and wipe surfaces with a damp cloth. Vacuumregularly with a machine that has a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)filter. Vacuum soft furniture and curtains as well as floors. Install an aircleaner with a high-efficiency particulate or electrostatic filter. Washcarpets and upholstery with special cleaners, such as benzyl benzoate or tannicacid spray. Wash all bedding in hot water (hotter than 130°F) every 7 to 10days. Don"t use mattress pads. Cover mattress and pillows with plastic covers.Lower the humidity in your home using a dehumidifier.

Things that can make your allergy symptoms worse

  • Aerosol sprays
  • Air pollution
  • Cold temperatures
  • Humidity
  • Irritating fumes
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Wind
  • Wood smoke
  • ....................................................................

What is the Benefits of Weight Loss for Men? 

What are the Benefits of Weight Loss for Men?

When you hear men overweight, the image of 'bear bell' comes to your mind. Yes, men have problems with stomach obesity and there may be many reasons behind this. Increasing weight in men can be due to lack of exercise, stress, hormonal problems, and defective diet. With life at high speed, men first die for stress and pressure, which does not leave them to work. Obesity in the stomach is the most dangerous form of obesity because it invites a collection of diseases that can be silent killers. Heart diseases, diabetes and liver or kidney diseases can be common killers, especially if a person smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol.

Men usually give in to vain such as smoking and drinking because it 'feels' to reduce stress and cope with daily pressures of life. Most men pay no attention to their health and fitness unless a sign of health problem emerges. Men are also more active, who are the last to seek medical help in contrast to women. Men can eat heavier issues by regularly following regular men's exercise, regular diet and healthy lifestyle.

It is important for men to lose weight for healthy and disease-free living. Being overweight is not only indispensable but also an open invitation for various life-threatening diseases. The following problems can hinder the quality of someone's quality or even reduce the life of someone.

  • High blood pressure or high blood pressure and cholesterol problems: Men with overweight are often considered to suffer from high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. If these problems are not controlled and treated at the beginning, serious heart diseases lead to it.
  • Heart Diseases: Men with overweight are more likely to have heartbeat and heart attack which makes it the first cause of death. An unhealthy lifestyle associated with stress makes a person suffer from sudden and early heart attack
  • Cancer, especially prostate and colon cancer in men
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Problems of the liver such as extension of limb or fatty liver
  • Heartburn or Acid Reflux Disease
  • Arthritis: Men with high weight typically have muscles and joint problems in the knees, because it has maximum inclination to be overweight. Osteoarthritis can lead to joint hazardous men
  • Sleep apnea that gives rise to snoring and can be dangerous because it can cut the supply of oxygen during sleep.
  • Throat bladder disease or gallstones
  • Concentration and learning problems in men
  • Psychological problems like negative self-image or extreme self-consciousness

If you are overweight then the chances of developing many health conditions greatly increase. But if you are planning to lose weight, then losing some kilos will greatly benefit you, then keep them in your mind to inspire these benefits. Start slow and short but you will benefit a lot.

Healthy Heart 

Having more weight can put your heart under great pressure because it has to be hard work and it has to pump more blood so that it suffers from various problems. When you lose weight not only do you make your heart a side but also help to reduce high blood pressure, which is a starting point in various cardiovascular diseases.

Increasing levels of Good Cholesterol

Closing some extra kilograms and maintaining regular diet will help promote good cholesterol or HDL. Promoting good cholesterol means to eliminate bad one-LDL, which means that you reduce the chances of heart-related problems.

Reducing the risk of Diabetes

Losing a little weight will help control the blood glucose levels in your body and reduce any risk of developing diabetes.

Reduce the risk of Cancer

Losing weight will also help you reduce the risk of developing cancer. Men overweight have prostate cancer, while overweight women suffer from ovarian and cervical cancer.

Reduce the risk of Osteoporosis

Think about the pressure placed on the bones and overweight body joints. When you reduce some weight, you help ease the pressure and you are less likely to get along with osteoarthritis.

A Quality Life

By reducing excess weight, you will be able to survive for long and get better quality of life. Excess fat is an invitation for various diseases and instability factors during old age. Elderly and overweight people have problems in mobility.

Better Sexual Life

Losing weight will help to spice up your sex life. Losing few kilograms will lead to normal recurrence and maintenance of it in men, while women are more likely to be interested in sex because of better body image.

Better Reproductive Health

Men and women overweight have to face fertility issues. Weight loss is the answer to all these problems, in the family way, women need to keep the ideal weight for a safe and complexity-free pregnancy.

Modify your Energy Level

Losing weight will help you to control more in feeling active. People who are overweight due to excess weight look more dull, who can move around tiresome.

Promoting your own image

People who are overweight suffer from low self-worth and self-consciousness. Losing few kilograms will help in promoting self-image and working as a motivational point for reaching the ideal weight

Keep your Kidneys Clean & save from Kidney StonesKeep your Kidneys Clean & save from Kidney Stones

Some say that passing through the kidney stonesis a baby made of razor blades. The good news is that, although they can be extremely painful, kidney stones rarely cause permanent damage, and you may be able to stop them.

The back or side pain which will not go away is the primary symptom of kidney stones. You may also have pink or odor-urine urine, fever or painful urine. Experts say that incidents of kidney stones are increasing, although no one knows why. Caucasian is more prone to kidney stones compared to African Americans, and males are more prone to women than women. Age is also a factor. Chances of kidney stones grow because men enter the 40's and grow in the 70's. For women, the peak peak in their 50s.

Each day, approximately 50 gallons of blood flows through your kidney. The kidney removes waste products from the blood with various minerals and other substances and transfer them to urine so that your body can get rid of them. In people with stones, some minerals are formed in the urine to form a stone in association with other waste products.

Kidney stones are not all the same. The most common type of mineral is made of calcium, which is combined with oxalate or phosphate. Less common types of stones are made of uric acid or other chemicals, all of which are found naturally in the body. Nobody knows why these substances make kidney stones in some people, but not in others, because we all are in their urine. The formation of stones can be related to the level of these substances in urine or other current unknown factors which encourage or prevent the formation of stone.

During urine most kidney stones get out of the body. But some urine can be large enough to block the flow. It causes acute pain and you may also be at risk for infection.

Most kidney stones which do not pass themselves are considered in the outpatient setting. The most common procedure is called lithotripsy. Greek "Greek for stone crushing", this technique uses shock waves to reduce kidney stones in small pieces, which then flow easily in the urine.

If you have more than one kidney stones, then you are at high risk to make another. But there are ways to help prevent different types of kidney stones. First of all, your doctor needs to know what type of stone it is. If you pass a stone, then try to catch it in a hole. A laboratory analysis can help your doctor plan a strategy to stop more stones. Other tests, which can include urine and blood tests, can help your doctor find out why you had kidney stone. Your medical history, business and eating and drinking habits can also be a clue.

Drink more water can help stop kidney stones. Depending on the type of stone you are at risk, your doctor may also advise you to avoid some foods or beverages. For example, people prone to making calcium oxlet stones should avoid spinach, peanuts and chocolate. People with uric acid stones should cut back on meat. The doctors can also write some medicines to help prevent these types of stones.

Take a look out for kidney stones

If you have the following symptoms of kidney stone take the Suggestion from Doctor:

  • Extreme pain on your back or side that will not go away
  • Blood in your urine (this pink will appear)
  • Fever and cold
  • Vomit
  • Urine which makes bad odor or looks cloudy
  • When you piss, there is a burning .................................................................

1.Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox
The chicken pox (varicella) rash begins as red marks on the face and body that resemble mosquito bites. Within a few hours, the marks develop into fluid-filled blisters that later burst and leave scabs. Chicken pox is easily recognized because the skin around the vesicles is normal.                                             Other symptoms include a 
  • fever, 
  • congestion, and 
  • blisters in the mouth. 

Because the rash is extremely itchy, it's best to prevent the child from excessive scratching, as there is a danger of bacterial infection in the skin, which can spread to other organs. 
Bacterial infections can also lead to wounds and scars. Chicken pox is quite contagious, and it is common for a number of children, at home or day care, to have it at the same time. 
After five to seven days, all the pox will be dry scabs, which means the child is no longer contagious. Most children in the U.S. now receive the chicken pox vaccine.



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